2024-08-14: |
A new genus for the American Bullfrog From Lithobates catesbeianus to Aquarana catesbeiana
Abstract: and DUBOIS, A., A. OHLER & R.A. PYRON (2021): New concepts and methods for phylogenetic taxonomy and nomenclature in zoology, exemplified by a new ranked cladonomy of recent amphibians (Lissamphibia).- Megataxa 005(1): 001–738
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2024-07-03: |
A new subspecies of the Montseny brook newt (Calotriton arnoldi) Calotriton arnoldi laietanus
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2024-05-31: |
A new species within Rhynchocalamus from the Arabian peninsula Rhynchocalamus hejazicus
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2024-05-22: |
A new subspecies of the Midwife Toads from central Portugal and adjacent Spain Alytes obstetricans lusitanicus
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2024-05-14: |
Lytorhynchus gaddi is considered to be a full species.
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2024-04-06: |
A new subspecies of the Marbled Newt on the Iberian Peninsula. Triturus marmoratus harmannis
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2024-03-14: |
A new newt species from the wider Lisbon peninsula in Portugal Triturus rudolfi
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2024-02-18: |
Chalcides montanus pallaryi A new subspecies of the Morocco mountain skink from the High plateaus in East Morocco and Algeria
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2024-01-20: |
Is Hemidactylus bornmuelleri WERNER, 1895 a full species or a synonym of Hemidactylus persicus ANDERSON, 1872? AFRASIAB & AL-MOUSSAWI (2020) “described” Hemidactylus bornmuelleri “new”, but the original author has to be WERNER (1895)
See: |
2024-01-09: |
A new subspecies of the Iberian endemic frog Rana parvipalmata Rana parvipalmata asturiensis
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2023-12-19: |
Varanus caspius is raised to full species
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2023-11-22: |
A new subspecies of the southern Marbled pygmy newt (Triturus pygmaeus) Triturus pygmaeus lusitanicus distributed in the south east of the distribution area (Guadalquivir river, Cadiz prov., Spain)
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2023-11-17: |
A new species of Pseudotrapelus (Reptilia: Squamata: Agamidae) from Central Arabia Pseudotrapelus tuwaiqensis has been described
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2023-11-11: |
Two new lacertid species from Iran has been described and one raised to full species
Eremias graphica and
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2023-08-31: |
A new species of rock lizards has been described: Darevskia arribasi
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2023-07-21: |
A new Cobra from coastal Egypt west of the Nile Delta Naja obscura
In: J.F. Trape: Guide des serpents d’Afrique occidentale, centrale et d’Afrique du Nord. IRD Éditions Institut de recherche pour le développement: 239 - 240 |
2023-06-16: |
Southwestern parts of Asia are inhabited by a different form, separated from the South and Central Asia’s Lycodon striatus Lycodon bicolor (NIKOLSKY, 1903)
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2023-06-12: |
Resurrection of Contia transcaspica NIKOLSKY, 1903 from the western most distribution in north-east Iran and Kopet-Dagh mountains in Turkmenistan: Olìgodon transcaspicus
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2023-06-06: |
Split of the species Pristurus rupestris with ssp. iranicus into Pristurus rupestris and Pristurus guweirensis. A new Pristurus from norther Somalia, Pristurus migiurtinicus, different from Pristurus flavipunctatus.
no abstract! |
2023-05-25: |
Some changes of Iranian amphibians species names and a new Genus. a) New name for Iranian Eyphlyctis cyanophlyctis SCHNEIDER, 1799 is now Eyphlyctis adolfi (GÜNTHER, 1860) by DUFRESNES & LITVINCHUK, 2021 b) split of the Water frogs Pelophylax ridibundus from the Caspian Hyrcanian mixed forests in northeastern Iran and adjacent Kopet Dagh area in Turkmenistan to a new species Pelophylax persicus (SCHNEIDER, 1799) by SAFAEI-MAHROO, B., H. GHAFFARI, and A. NAMIR. 2023.
c) Duttaphrynus olivaceus and Duttaphrynus stomaticus are now in the Genus Firouzophrynus SAFAEI-MAHROO & GHAFFARI, 2020. The new Genus has been created by the Iranian authors in their book and confirmed by DUBOIS, OHLER & PYRON, 2021 because of paraphylogeny of Duttaphrynus. See: ALAIN DUBOIS, A., A. OHLER & R.A. PYRON (2021): New concepts and methods for phylogenetic taxonomy and nomenclature in zoology, exemplified by a new ranked cladonomy of recent amphibians (Lissamphibia).- Megataxa 005 (1): 001–738
Abstract: DUFRESNES, C. & S.N. LITVINCHUK (2022): Diversity, distribution and molecular species delimitation in frogs and toads from the Eastern Palaearctic.- Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 195: 695–760
Abstract: SAFAEI-MAHROO, B. & H. GHAFFARI (2020): The complete guide to amphibians of Iran: biology, ecology, and conservation.- Sanandaj: University of Kurdistan Press (no abstract!) SAFAEI-MAHROO, B., H. GHAFFARI & A. NIAMIR (2023): A synoptic review of the Amphibians of Iran: bibliography, taxonomy, synonymy, distribution, conservation status, and identification key to the eggs, larvae, and adults.- Zootaxa 5279(1): 001–112
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2023-03-25: |
A new Rat-Snake from the southern Levant (Syria, Lebanon, Israel) Elaphe druzei
Abstract: |
2023-01-30: |
Delimitation Assessment of the Asian Toad-headed agamas, genus Phrynocephalus. Within the distribution range in this database, three species are new, all in Iran. Phrynocephalus brevipes: from synonymy of Phrynocephalus olivieri var. brevipes NIKOLSKY, 1907 Phrynocephalus carinipes: from synonymy of Phrynocephalus olivieri var. carinipes NIKOLSKY, 1907 Phrynocephalus khorasanus: from synonymy of Phrynocephalus mystaceus(PALLAS, 1776)
Abstract. |
2023-01-08: |
A new family for Micrelaps muelleri, etc.: Micrelapidae Type species: Micrelaps muelleri BOETTGER, 1880
Abstract: |
2022-12-08: |
Two new gecko species from Algeria:
Tropiocolotes chirioi
Abstract: |
2022-10-26: |
The Authorship of Podarcis tauricus Following SCHMIDTLER (2022) the correct author of the Crimean Wall Lizard Podarcis tauricus has to be GEORGI 1801, but not PALAS 1814.
Abstract: |
2022-08-18: |
Two new geckos from SW Saudi Arabia (Asir mountains and Farasan islands)
Hemidactylus almakhwah and
Abstract: |
2022-08-17: |
Two new Racerunners have been described from Pakistan:
Eremias killasaifullahi and the second reaching eastern Persia. See: RAFAQAT MASROOR, MUAZZAM ALI KHAN, MUHAMMAD SAJID NADEEM, SHABIR ALI AMIR, MUHAMMAD KHISROON & DANIEL JABLONSKI (2022): Appearances often deceive in racerunners: integrative approach reveals two new species of Eremias (Squamata: Lacertidae) from Pakistan.- Zootaxa 5175(1): 055–087 Abstract:
Based on newly provided morphological and previously published genetic data, we describe two new distinctive sympatric lacertid lizards of the genus Eremias (subgenus Aspidorhinus) from the arid mountains of northwestern Balochistan Province, Pakistan. The new species, Eremias killasaifullahi sp. nov. and Eremias rafiqi sp. nov. are distinguished from all other species of the subgenus Aspidorhinus (E. afghanistanica, E. fahimii, E. isfahanica, E. kopetdaghica, E. lalezharica, E. montana, E. nikolskii, E. papenfussi, E. persica, E. regeli, E. roborowskii, E. strauchi, E. suphani, and E. velox) by unique morphological characters and genetic differentiation. In the molecular phylogeny of Aspidorhinus, both new taxa are well-supported lineages differentiated from other species of this subgenus by uncorrected p distances from 8.5% to 21.6%, respectively. Both new species belong to E. persica complex where E. rafiqi sp. nov. is partly similar in dorsal color pattern to E. persica but can be distinguished from this species by unique meristic and morphometric characters. Eremias rafiqi sp. nov. is found in Pakistan, Afghanistan, and eastern Iran. Eremias killasaifullahi sp. nov. can be differentiated from E. persica by its distant distribution, dorsal color and pattern, smaller size, and less number of gulars and ventral scales. Eremias killasaifullahi sp. nov. is only known from the type locality and represents the local microendemism, along with other endemic species of reptiles reported from this part of Pakistan. We, however, expect that E. killasaifullahi sp. nov. could have a broader range in northwestern Pakistan and southeastern Afghanistan, which should be an object of following investigations. Our data show that remote areas between Hindu Kush Mountains and Indus River need attention as they most probably represent possible sources of genetic and species diversity in the region. |
2022-07-08: |
from synonymy to full species: Tarentola panousei PASTEUR, 1959 in SW Morocco and Western Sahara
Abstract: |
2022-06-20: |
A new lacertidae species within Darevskia has been described from Yusufeli, Altiparmak Mountains in Barhal valley, Artvin Province, Turkey Darevskia salihae
Abstract: |
2022-03-14: |
Split of Tropiocolotes nattereri Most of the former Tropiocolotes nattereri are now Tropiocolotes yomtovi Tropiocolotes nattereri is now resricted to the south and east coast of the Sinai peninsula (Egypt) and the Eilat area in Israel
Abstract: |
2022-03-06: |
Species delineation in the Hardun/Roughtail Rock Agama/Starred Agama Stellgama stellio. Split into three species: Stellagama stellio with subspecies Stellagama s. stellio and Stellagama s. daani Stellagama cypriaca and Stellagama vulgaris with ssp. Stellagama v. vulgaris, Stellagama v. brachydactyla, Stellagama v. picea and Stellagama v. salehi Comment : We follow here BAIG et al. (2012) and give Stellagama priority over Laudakia.
Abstract: |
2022-02-02: |
A new subspecies of the Midwife Toad from the Spanish Central Pyrenees Alytes almogavarii inigoi DUFRESNES & HERNANDEZ, 2021 See: Christophe Dufresnes, Axel Hernandez (2021): Phylogeographic advances in midwife toads (Alytes) support the existence of a novel taxon endemic to the Central Pyrenees.- Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary 59(8): 2170 - 2179
Abstract: |
2022-01-22: |
Darevskia tuniyevi, a new species within the Darevkia parvula group in NE-Turkey See: Arribas, O., K. Candan, M. Kurnaz, Y. Kumlutas, E.Y. Caynak & Ç. Ilgaz (2022): A new cryptic species of the Darevskia parvula group from NE Anatolia (Squamata, Lacertidae).- Organisms Diversity & Evolution. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13127-022-00540-4 (early view); 16 pp + 14 pp supplements/appendix.
Abstract: |
2021-12-22: |
The correct scientific name for the north-west African Rock Agama has to be Agama bibronii
Abstract: |
2021-11-30: |
A new subspecies of the longed-Nosed Viper Vipera ammodytes from the Cyclades islands Paros and Antiparos in the Aegean Sea. Vipera ammodytes buchholzi
Abstract: |
2021-11-23: |
We have to replace a subspecies name from our own pulication (SCHWEIGER & GEMEL 2020):
The correct name for the Testudo graeca distributed from eastern Morocco to central/east Algeria has to be
See: |
2021-11-22: |
Ommatotriton nesterovi LITVINCHUK, ZUIDERWIJK, BORKIN & ROSANOV, 2005 is a full species now.
Abstract: |
2021-10-26: |
Podarcis thais has been raised from subspecies level of Podarcis peloponnesiacus See: Kiourtsoglou, A., A. Kaliontzopoulou, D. Poursanidis, D. Jablonski, P. Lymberakis & N. Poulakakis (2021): Evidence of cryptic diversity in Podarcis peloponnesiacus and re-evaluation of its current taxonomy; insights from genetic, morphological, and ecological data -- J Zool Syst Evol Res. 2021; 00: 1–21 (early view)
Abstract: |
2021-10-06: |
New subspecies within the Iberian/North African "nose"vipers
Vipera latastei latastei is now restricted to the eastern half of the Iberian peninsula without the southernmost part (Cadiz and Malaga provinces).
Vipera monticola monticola is now restrictedto the Central High Atlas in Morocco (Oukaimeden). No Vipera latastei in North Africa anymore !!
Abstract: |
2021-10-03: |
A new species of Acanthodactylus Fitzinger, 1834 (Sauria: Lacertidae) from the Zagros Mountains, Iran: Acanthodactylus zagrosicus
Abstract: |
2021-09-23: |
The former subspecies Podarcis guadarramae lusitanicus has been raised to full species rank: Podarcis lusitanicus
Abstract: |
2021-08-23: |
A new species and a new subspecies within the Mesalina olivieri complex (Lacertidae)
Mesalina adrarensis
Abstract: |
2021-04-17: |
A new Fringe-toed lizard from Central Turkey (Malatya provice) Acanthodactylus ilgazi
Abstract: |
2021-04-13: |
Pseudopus apodus levantinus a new subspecies of the Sheltopusik in the Levant.
Abstract: |
2021-03-30: |
A new viper within the Vipera kaznakovi complex from the Kura valley in east Georgia Vipera tuniyevi
Abstract: |
2021-01-31: |
New arrangement within the lacertid genus Anatololacerta:
Anatololacerta anatolica = no changes
Abstract: |
2020-12-19: |
A new dwarft snake from southern Iran, Eirenis rafsanjanicus has been described.
Abstract: |
2020-10-17: |
1) Split off of the southern Podarcis hispanicus. Those are now Podarcis galerai
Abstract: =========
2) A new subspecies of the Green Toad from the Greek island of Naxos (maybe distributed on more Central Aegaean islands)
Abstract: |
2020-10-06: |
A "new" name for the eastern Alps clade of the adder Vipera berus Vipera berus marasso (POLINI, 1818)
Abstract: |
2020-09-18: |
The Golden Alpine Salamander (Salamandra atra aurorae) has been raised to species level Salamandra aurorae, including the subspecies Salamandra aurorae pasubiensis.
Additional, the two synonyms Salamandra salamandra carpathica and Salamandra salamandra hispanica are resurredted to subspecific level.
Abstract: |
2020-08-28: |
The Blind Snakes from the southern Levant have been split off from Xerotyphlops vermicularis Xerotyphlops syriacus JAN 1864 have been resurredted by the authors
Abstract: |
2020-07-25: |
Three new species of Hemidactylus ave been described from Iran: Hemidactylus achaemenidicus, Hemidactylus pseudoromeshkanicus and Hemidactylus sassanidianus
Abstract: |
2020-06-04: |
New arrangement within the Snake-eyed skinks
Ablepharus bivittatus is now Asymblepharus bivittatus
Abstract: |
2020-06-01: |
A new gecko from the Geckonidae family has been described from western Iran Lakigecko aaronbaueri
Abstract: |
2020-05-06: |
A new racerunner (Eremias) from Iran (Markazi and Tehran provinces )has been described Eremias fahimii
Abstract: |
2020-04-28: |
A new Sand Boa (Erycidae) has been described from southern Iran: Eryx sistanensis
Abstract: |
2020-04-24: |
A new genus and species has been described from S Iran: Persiophis fahimii and Hierophis andreanus has been reassigned to Dolichophis.
Abstract: |
2020-03-29: |
From subspecies to species: Alytes pertinax See: Dufresnes, C. & Í. Martínez-Solano (2020): Hybrid zone genomics supports candidate species in Iberian Alytes obstetricans.- Amphibia-Reptilia 41: 105-112
Abstract: |
2020-03-25: |
A new Microgecko from western Iran has been described Microgecko laki, TORKI 2020
Abstract: |
2020-03-11: |
Two new Fringe-toed lizards out of the Acanthodactylus erythrurus group from the Atlas mountains in Morocco.
Acanthodactylus lacrymae sp. nov., and have been described.
Abstract: |
2020-01-16: |
Split off the lizards from the Western Pontine islands, Italy from Podarcis siculus.
Podarcis latastei (BEDRIAGA, 1879) with ssp. See: Senczuk, G., R. Castiglia, W. Böhme & C. Corti (2019): Podarcis siculus latastei (Bedriaga, 1879) of the Western Pontine Islands (Italy) raised to the species rank, and a brief taxonomic overview of Podarcis lizards -- Acta Herpetologica 14(2): 71-80
Abstract: |
2019-12-04: |
A new subspecies of the North African Fire salamander, Salamandra algira: Salamandra algira atlantica
Abstract: |
2019-11-17: |
from subspecies to species Alytes almogavarii
Abstract. |
2019-11-09: |
A new snake from Iran has been described. Eirenis yassujicus
Abstract: |
2019-10-27: |
A new subspecies of the Ottoman Viper, Montivipera xanthina has been described: Montivipera xanthina varoli from the Geyik Mountains, Antalya, Turkey See: MURAT AFSAR, BATUHAN Y. YAKIN, KERIM ÇIÇEK & DINÇER AYAZ (2019): A new subspecies of Ottoman viper, Montivipera xanthina (Gray, 1849), (Squamata: Viperidae) from Geyik Mountains, Mediterranean Turkey.- Ecologica Montenegrina 22: 214-225
Abstract: |
2019-10-10: |
new systematics of the Lacerta trilineata complex
Lacerta citrovittata is its on sprecies now.
Abstract: |
2019-09-15: |
The Green Toad from Cyprus is its own species now: Bufotes cypriensis and a new name for Bufotes variabilis: Bufotes sitibundus for the eastern populations. Bufotes perrini, a new species for NE Iran and Turkmenistan green toads.
Abstract: |
2019-09-08: |
A new dwarft gecko from Masirah island in Oman Pristurus masirahensis has been described.
Abstract: |
2019-06-29: |
A new lacertid species from the Urts mountain ridge in south west Armenia, Darevskia aghasyani B.S. Tuniyev & T.V. Petrova, 2019 has been described.
Abstract: |
2019-05-29: |
The eastern populations (E Anatolia, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Iran) of Elaphe sauromates have been split off. The new species is named Elaphe urartica, named after the Iron Age Kingdom Urartu, situated between the Black and Caspian Sea.
Abstract: |
2019-03-07: |
A new treefrog from north-eastern Algeria and northern Tunisia: Hyla carthaginiensis
Abstract: |
2019-02-06: |
From subspecies to species: Gloydius caucasicus should have species status now.
abstract: |
2018-11-11: |
A new naked toed gecko from Oman's south coast area Tropiocolotes confusus
Abstract. |
2018-10-31: |
A new viper species in Iran: Macrovipera razii
Abstract |
2018-10-09: |
The Italian treefrogs have been splitted into two species: Hyla intermedia and the new Hyla perrini
Abstract: |
2018-09-20: |
A new name for Algyroides marchi: Algyroides hildagoi Algyroides hildagoi has priority over Algyroides marchi!
Abstract: |
2018-09-12: |
A new subspecies of the Transcaucasian at Snake Zamenis hoheneckeri has been described: Zamenis hohenackeri lyciensis HOFMANN, MEBERT, SCHULZ, HELFENBERGER, GÖÇMEN & BÖHME, 2018, distributed in SW Anatolia, Turkey.
Abstract: |
2018-09-11: |
From subspecies to species. Darevskia parvula adjarica is Darevskia adjarica now.
Abstract: |
2018-08-26: |
A new subspecies of Fazila’s Lycian Salamander: Lyciasalamandra fazilae ulfetae
Abstract: |
2018-08-25: |
A new spider gecko from southern Iran: Agamura kermanensis
Abstract: |
2018-08-09: |
Splitting off the arabicus sensu lato group from Stenodactylus to the revalidated genus Trigonodactylus HAAS, 1957. The new arrangement: Trigonodactylus arabicus HAAS Trigonodactylus pulcher ANDERSON Trigonodactylus sharqiyahensis METALLINOU & CARRANZA and description of a new species Trigonodactylus persicus from SW Iran.
Abstract: |
2018-06-26: |
The Steppe Viper has been rediscovered in Georgia after 75 years and described as a new subspecies: Vipera shemakhensis kakhetiensis
Abstract: |
2018-06-09: |
Two new lacertid species from southern and southwestern Arabian peninsula have been descibed
Abstract: |
2018-05-25: |
New description of the SW Arabian Egg-Eaters (Dasypeltis scabra) Dasypeltis arabica BROADLEY & BATES, 2018
Abstract: |
2018-04-13: |
A new subspecies of Phrynocephalus mystaceus from NE Iran has been described Phrynocephalus mystaceus khorasanus
Abstract: |
2018-04-04: |
Three new Viper (sub)species from Turkey and border close regions of Georgia and Armenia (Javakheti Plateau).
Vipera sakoi
Abstract: |
2018-03-20: |
Split of Kotschy's Gecko into:
Mediodactylus kotschyi: Most of Balkan peninsula without SE parts, western and central Aegaean islands
Abstract: |
2018-03-14: |
From synonymy of Agamura persica to species. The Iranian and SW Pakistan species of A. persica are now Agamura cruralis, BLANFORD, 1874 See: Hosseinian Yousefkhani, S.S., M. Aliabadian, E. Rastegar-Pouyani & J. Darvish (2017): Geographic variation in morphology of the genus Agamura Blanford, 1874 in Iran.- Amphibia-Reptilia 38(4): 449 - 459
Abstract: |
2018-03-06: |
A new species of Tropiocolotes from Iran has been described: Tropiocolotes hormozganensis
On January, 7th (according to Zoobank.org) Rounaghi, Iman, Eskandar Rastegar-Pouyani & Saeed Hosseinian (2018) A new species of the genus Tropiocolotes Peters, 1880 from Hormozgan province, southern Iran (Reptilia: Sauria: Gekkonidae).- South Western Journal of Horticulture, Biology and Environment Vol.9(1): 15-23
But it seems, the 2nd paper mentioned here doesnt rule the ICZN code, and therefore the authorship has to be |
2018-02-28: |
Split of the Iberian Blanus sp.
Specimens of northern Portugal, central and southwestern Spain are Blanus mariae is a synonym of Blanus cinereus.
Abstract: |
2018-01-28: |
The Anatolian [incl. population of Katellorizo (=Megisti)] of the "Greek" Snake Skink, Ophiomorus punctatissimus have been split off as separate species Ophiomorus kardesi See: Kornilios, P., Y. Kumlutas, P. Lymberakis & C. Ilgaz (2018): Cryptic diversity and molecular systematics of the Aegean Ophiomorus skinks (Reptilia: Squamata), with the description of a new species.- J Zool Syst Evol Res. 2018; 1–18, DOI: 10.1111/jzs.12205
Abstract: |
2018-01-08: |
Split of the gecko Asaccus gallagheri ARNOLD, 1972. The southern populations from the eastern Hajar mountains and Jebel Qahwan, Oman are a new species: Asaccus arnoldi SIMÓ-RIUDALBAS, TARROSO, PAPENFUSS, AL-SARIRI & CARRANZA, 2017
Abstract: |
2017-12-20: |
Teratoscincus sistanense
Abstract: |
2017-12-17: |
Teratoscincus mesriensis
Abstract: |
2017-12-15: |
SAFAEI-MAHROO, GHAFFARI, GHAFOOR & AMINI described a new gecko from north eastern Iraq. Hemidactylus kurdicus
Abstract: |
2017-09-23: |
A new species of Eumeces Wiegmann 1834 (Sauria: Scincidae) from Iran, Eumeces persicus, has been described. Eumeces zarudnyi is a full species now.
A new name for the Egg-eating snake from Faiyum depression in Egypt:
Abstract: |
2017-09-22: |
A new subspecies of Montivipera xanthina from the west of Thrace province in Greece, Montivipera xanthina occidentalis has been described.
Abstract: |
2017-08-30: |
From subspecies to species. The former subspecies of the smooth newt, Lissotriton vulgaris: L. v. graecus, L. v. schmidtleri, L. v. kosswigi and L. v. lantzi are full species now. Lissotriton graecus Lissotriton schmidtleri Lissotriton kosswigi Lissotriton lantzi
Abstract: |
2017-08-08: |
From subspecies to species. Natrix natrix helvetica is now Natrix helvetica
Abstract: |
2017-08-05: |
A new gecko from the northern most Hajar mountains in Oman and United Arab Emirates: Ptyodactylus ruusaljibalicus
Abstract: |
2017-08-01: |
A new blindsnake from Iran: Xerotyphlops luristanicus Torki, F. (2017): A new species of blind snake, Xerotyphlops, from Iran.- The Herpetological Bulletin 140: 1-5
Abstract: |
2017-07-27: |
A new subspecies of the Anatolian meadow viper, Vipera anatolica has been described: Vipera anatolica senliki from east Antalya province, Turkey.
Abstract: Split of the lacertid Mesalina brevirostris into: Mesalina brevirostris Mesalina bernoullii Mesalina microlepis and Mesalina saudiarabica
Abstract: |
2017-06-19: |
a new subspecies of the Snake-eyed lizard has been described, distributed in the vicinity of Mut (Mersin), south coastal area of Turkey. Ophisops elegans budakibarani
Abstract: |
2017-06-15: |
A new endemic lacertid from Morocco's southwest coast: Acanthodactylus margaritae - split of Acanthodactylus busacki.
Abstract: |
2017-04-04: |
A new Lytorhynchus has been described from Iran Lytorhynchus levitoni TORKI, 2017.
See: |
2017-03-15: |
2 new Pelodytes species on Iberian peninsula
Pelodytes atlanticus: Portugal
Abstract: |
2017-01-02: |
3 new subspecies of the Lycian salamander Lyciasalamandra atifi, Lyciasalamandra atifi godmanni, Lyciasalamandra atifi veithi and Lyciasalamandra atifi kunti have been described
Abstract: |
2016-12-23: |
A new species of Rhynchocalamus from southern Israel. Rhynchocalamus dayanae sp. nov.
See: |
2016-12-14: |
more infos on Caucasilacerta vs. Darevskia.
go down to: |
2016-12-13: |
A new subspecies of Neurergus strauchii from E Turkey: Neurergus strauchii munzurensis n. ssp.
Abstract: |
2016-11-18: |
A new subspecies, Lyciasalamandra atifi oezi n. ssp. (Urodela: Salamandridae) from Gazipasa (Antalya, Turkey) has been described.
See: |
2016-11-17: |
BUSACK, S.D., A. SALVADOR, A.M. BAUER & H. KAISER published a paper, Darevskia ARRIBAS, 1997 has to replaced by Caucasilacerta HARRIS, ARNOLD & THOMAS, 1998
from www.lacerta.de webseite (2016-11-18): Oscar Arribas, Igor Doronin
also see:
Abstract: |
2016-09-23: |
Split of Podarcis tauricus in
Podarcis tauricus
See: |
2016-08-21: |
Two new Hemidactylus geckos from Yemen and south-west Saudi Arabia: Hemidactylus asirensis and Hemidactylus alfarraji Hemidactylus montanus and Hemidactylus pauciporosus are full species now (formerly ssp. of Hemidactylus yerburii)
Abstract: |
2016-08-20: |
Split of Asaccus caudivolvulus into three species: Asaccus caudivolvulus Asaccus gardneri and Asaccus margaritae.
Abstract: |
2016-07-04: |
A new ssp. of Lyciasalamandra billae, from the hills SW of Antalya (Turkey) has been described: Lyciasalamandra billae eikeae GODMANN, KARIS & GÖÇMEN, 2016
Abstract: |
2016-07-01: |
A new species of the lacertid genus Eremias has been described from the Isfahan province, Iran: Eremias isfahanica
Abstract: |
2016-06-23: |
A new viper from the northwestern Italian Alps with an unexpected relationship has been described. Vipera walser
Abstract: |
2016-06-12: |
Members of the genus Amietophrynus:
Amietophrynus arabicus are now in the female genus Sclerophrys TSCHUDI, 1838
Sclerophrys arabica
The north African waterfrogs, Pelophylax saharicus have been split into 3 species:
Pelophylax saharicus (BOULENGER, 1913): Algeria (maybe westwards to Moulouya river in Morocco)
See: |
2016-06-02: |
A new concept for the Mountain vipers of the Near and Middle East (Montivipera NILSON et al., 2001). The following species within the xanthina- and raddei-Rassenkreise are full species:
Montivipera xanthina
Montivipera raddei (kurdistanica and albicornuta are synonyms of M. raddei)
See: |
2016-06-01: |
Karin et al., 2016 split the circumtropical Mabuya group. For the area, covered here by this database,
Trachylepis vittata are now in the masculin genus Heremites GRAY, 1845
Heremites vittatus
See: |
2016-05-13: |
A genus gekkonid genus and species has been described from Iran:
Parsigecko ziaiei
See: |
2016-05-05: |
Triturus ivanbureschi from Anatolia (Turkey) has been splitted again. Newts from northern Anatolia - east of Bosphorus and lake Uludag, east to Trabzon are Triturus anatolicus now.
See: |
2016-03-22: |
A new species of the genus Microgecko has been described from southern Iran: Microgecko chabaharensis GHOLAMIFARD, N. RASTEGAR-POUYANI, E. RASTEGAR-POUYANI, A. KHOSRAVANI, S.S. HOSSEINIAN YOUSEFKHAN & ORAEI, 2016
See: |
2016-02-26: |
A complete overlooked species of Leptotyphlopidae has been described in 2014!!! Myriopholis lanzai BROADLEY, WADE & WALLACH,2014 destributed in SW Libya (Ghat oasis, Fezzan province), and adjacent Chad.
See: |
2016-02-24: |
The former subspecies Natrix n. astreptophora is a full species now: Natrix astreptophora
See: |
2016-02-02: |
New arrangement within the lacertid Darevskia praticola.
Darevskia praticola pontica has been synonymized with D. p. praticola.
See: |
2016-01-13: |
OHLER, A. & A. DUBOIS (2016) replaced the genus name Amietophrynus FROST et al., 2006 by Sclerophrys TSCHUDI, 1838. This would affect the following bufonid species, listed here in the database:
Amietophrynus arabicus
For now, until acceptance, these species will be listed with the genus name Amietophrynus. |
2015-12-20: |
A new toad headed agama from Al Sharqiyah Sands (Wahiba sands), northeastern Oman: Phrynocephalus sakoi
See: |
2015-11-20: |
Split of Eirenis persicus (complex) into:
Eirenis persicus: SW Iran
See: |
2015-09-29: |
Splitting of the genus Rhynchocalamus and of the species R. melanocephalus
The former Rhynchocalamus barani is now Muhtarophis barani
See: |
2015-09-09: |
Split of the Bunopus geckos. Bunopus spatalurus is now Trachydactylus spatalurus Bunopus sp. hajarensis was raised to species level: Trachydactylus hajarensis
See: |
2015-08-10: |
Some Arabian and Horn of Africa toads changed the genus:
Bufo tihamicus => Amietophrynus tihamicus
See: |
2015-08-03: |
A new subspecies of Atif's Lycian Salamander, Lyciasalamandra atifi bayrami has been described.
See: |
2015-04-17: |
From subspecies to species: Hierophis viridiflavus carbonarius deserves species status => Hierophis carbonarius.
See: |
2015-04-01: |
A new monitor from the Iran-Iraq border area and SW Zagros mountains: Varanus nesterovi
See: |
2015-03-13: |
Top level lumping! All Iranian Montivipera are lumped together into the species Montivipera raddei
Comment: in the database, the former species still will be kept under their names (M. latifii, M. raddei kurdistanica, M. r. "albicornuta", M. kuhrangica) at the time |
2015-03-12: |
Eremias strauchi kopetdaghica is reevaluated to full species = Eremias kopetdaghica
See: |
2015-03-11: |
Augusto Cattaneo described two new subspecies of Montivipera xanthina: Montivipera x. nilsoni from the Dodecanes island Chios, and Montivipera x. dianae from the Dodecanes island Leros.
See: |
2015-03-06: |
Split of Ptyodactylus ragazzii in Ptyodactylus ragazzii ANDERSON, 1898 (Ethiopia) and Ptyodactylus togoensis TORNIER, 1901 (Algeria, Mauritania , Mali, Benin, Burkina Faso, Niger).
See: |
2015-03-01: |
Lissotriton vulgaris kosswigi has species status now: Lissotriton kosswigi
See: |
2015-02-08: |
3 new species within the Hemidactylus robustus group: Hemidactylus adensis Hemidactylus mandebensis from Yemen and Hemidactylus awashensis from Ethiopia
See: |
2015-01-07: |
A new Phrynocephalus from the "hottest place on earth", Phrynocephalus lutensis (Lut desert, Iran) has been described.
See: |
2014-12-30: |
Platyceps mintonorum new status. Described by MERTENS, 1969 as Coluber karelini mintonorum.
See: |
2014-12-22: |
A new Elapid species from Iran has been described: Bungarus persicus
See: |
2014-11-18: |
New arrangement within the Anatololacerta sp. complex: Anatololacerta oertzeni budaki is raised to species level. Anatololacerta oertzeni pelasgiana is raised to species level. Anatololacerta oertzeni oerzteni = Anatololacerta anatolica oertzeni new status
Species now within Anatololacerta:
See: |
2014-10-23: |
A new subspecies of Lyciasalamandra antalyana from north of the town Antalya has been described: Lyciasalamandra antalyana gocmeni
See: |
2014-07-14: |
A new Hemidactylus from coastal Oman and extreme east Yemen, Hemidactylus minutus has been described.
See: |
2014-06-26: |
Revision of the Phrynocephalus arabicus complex. Prynocephalus nejdensis HAAS, 1957 from S Jordan and N central Saudi Arabia, and Phrynocephalus macropeltis HAAS, 1957 from central east coastal region of Saudi Arabia and UAE are revalidated. Phrynocephalus ahvazicus from SW Iran is described new.
See: |
2014-05-24: |
Splitting of the Typhlopidae New subfamilies and genera in bold letters: Subfamily Afrotyphlopinae subfam. nov.: Afrotyphlops Letheobia Rhinotyphlops Subfamily Asiatyphlopinae subfam. nov.: Acutotyphlops Anilios Asiatyphlops Cyclotyphlops Gryptotyphlops Indotyphlops Malayotyophlops Ramphotyphlops> Sundatyphlops Xerotyphlops: now T. vermicularis, T. wilsoni and T. socotranus are Xerotyphlops vermicularis, Xerotyphlops wilsoni and Xerotyphlops socotranus Subfamily Madatyphlopinae subfam. nov.: Madatyphlops Subfamily Typhlopinae: Amerotyphlops Antillotyphlops Cubatyphlops Typhlops
See: |
2014-05-19: |
a new subspecies of Iberolacerta monticola: Iberolacerta m. astur
See: |
2014-05-15: |
Pelomedusa subrufa has been split in 10(12) species. Specimens from the Arabian peninsula (Yemen, Saudi Arabia) are now Pelomedusa barbata sp. nov. For west African specimens Pelomedusa olivacea (SCHWEIGGER, 1812) has been resurrected from its synonymy.
See: -----------------------------------------------
Blanus strauchi has been split into three species:
See: |
2014-05-06: |
New names for the Podarcis hispanicus Types have been published:
Podarcis guadarramae (Boscá, 1916) for Podarcis hispanicus Type I
See: |
2014-02-03: |
The Mascarene frogs Ptychadena nilotica from the White Nile river drainage have been resurrected from the synonymy of Ptychadena mascareniensis.
See: |
2014-01-01: |
Four new lizards from north Iran and adjacent Turkmenistan: Darevskia caspica, Darevskia kamii, Darevskia kopetdaghica and Darevskia schaekeli.
See: |
2013-12-11: |
A new toad-headed agama from southern Iran has been described: Phrynocephalus ananjevae
See: |
2013-12-09: |
A new gecko, Stenodactylus sharqiyahensis, from the Sharqiyah (Wahiba) Sands in northeastern Oman has been described.
See: |
2013-11-26: |
Hemidactylus granosus Heyden, 1827 is resurrected from the synonymy of H. turcicus From Yemen Hemidactylus ulii is described new.
See: |
2013-11-05: |
A new fringe-toed lizard from southern Iran has been described: Acanthodactylus khamirensis HEIDARI, RASTEGAR POUYANI, RASTEGAR-POUYANI & RAJABIZADEH, 2013
See: |
2013-11-04: |
A new subspecies of Tarentola neglecta has been described: Tarentola neglecta lanzai BSHAENA & JOGER, 2013
See: |
2013-09-30: |
A new gecko from Iran: Tropiocolotes naybandensis KRAUSE, AHMADZADEH, MOAZENI, WAGNER & WILMS, 2013
See: |
2013-09-28: |
A new subspecies of Darevskia praticola: Darevskia praticola loriensis TUNIYEV, DORONIN, TUNIYEV, AGHASYAN, KIDOV & AGHASYAN, 2013
See: |
2013-07-18: |
The Italian lineage of Slow Worms: The first proposed name Anguis cinerea has been replaced by the older name Anguis veronensis, POLLINI, 1818.
See. |
2013-07-01: |
We have a new viper species, distributed in the east of the Caucasus Isthmus:
Vipera shemakheninsis
See: |
2013-06-30: |
Three new Fan-footed Geckos from the Near East: Ptyodactylus ananjevae from south Jordan, Ptyodactylus orlovi and Ptyodactylus dhofarensis from Oman.
See: |
2013-06-29: |
A new species of Amphibians Triturus ivanbureschi has been described. The new species replaces the European populations of Triturus karelinii. Triturus arntzeni has been synomized with Triturus macedonicus-
See: |
2013-06-11: |
The Italian Slow Worms have been split off the Central and Western European main stem of Anguis fragilis. They are now Anguis cinerea RISSO, 1826
See: |
2013-06-08: |
A new genus for the Palaestinian or Hula Painted Frog Discoglossus nigriventer. Now Latonia nigriventer.
See: |
2013-06-05: |
Pseudotrapelus jensvendumi MELNIKOV, ANANJEVA & PAPENFUSS, 2013 and Pseudotrapelus dhofarensis MELNIKOV & PIERSON added.
Melnikov, D. & T. Pierson (2012): A NEW SPECIES OF PSEUDOTRAPELUS (AGAMIDAE, SAURIA) FROM DHOFAR, OMAN.- Current Studies in Herpetology 12(3/4): 143 - 151 |
2013-05-23: |
A new subspecies of the Maghrebian Fire salamander, Salamandra algira splendens has been described, and for the endemic toad of Morocco, former Bufo brongersmai, a new genus Barbarophryne has been established, so now Barbarophryne brongersmai.
BEUKEMA, W., PH. DE POUS, D. DONAIRE-BARROSO, S. BOGAERTS, J. GARCIA-PORTA, D. ESCORIZA, O.J. ARRIBAS, EL H. EL MOUDEN & S. CARRANZA (2013): Review of the systematics, distribution, biogeography and natural history of Moroccan amphibians.- Zootaxa 3661 (1): 001–060 |
2013-04-13: |
Van Bocxlaer, I., S.D. Biju, S.P. Loader & F. Bossuy (2009): Toad radiation reveals into-India dispersal as a source of endemism in the Western Ghats-Sri Lanka biodiversity hotspot.- BMC Evolutionary Biology 2009, 9:131 Taxonomic changes:
Bufo dhufarensis => Duttaphrynus dhufarensis |