Your site on European and Mediterranean Amphibians and Reptiles


Schwarzwald April 2009

A trip to Vipera berus in the northern black forest, Germany.

On April 26th and 27th we visited Vipera berus in the northern black forest, Germany. Although the weather was nearly complete cloudy and cool, we found some vipers.

Habitat of Vipera berus at about 800 metres asl. Benny Trapp is searching for vipers.

A black male adder outside in a few minutes of sunshine.

Michael Wirth is looking for vipers.

The only silvergrey male I found. The vipers is short before shedding, so the colors are not so bright.

The adders are also found in the tall grass between the young firs.

A very nice black female with red chin
Portrait of same individual.
We also found some Grass snakes. All mature individuals played death imediately.
Adder Baby, female
male baby
very nice, big female
Grass snake, baby

Vipera berus male. Nearly black - only the edges of the dorsal band orangeyellow. We called it "kaznakovi-type".

Potrait of the same animal.
Alexander Pieh (sitting) and Benny Trapp
We also found vipers along small ways through the forest
Rainer H. and Michael Wirth
brown female in situ
everybody wanted to take pictures
Michael Wirth takes a picture of a brown female
Anguis fragilis
This skinny black female gave birth to young in last autumn
black female