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Report on our weekend excursion to the Stubach valley, Pinzgau, Salzburg, Austria from July 19th till July 20th, 2008

From Uttendorf in the Pinzgau the Stubach valley runs to the south. Due to the dams and the hydropower stations the Stubachvalley is excluded from the "Hohe Tauern" national park. But the slopes on both sides of the upper valley are parts of the park.
Friday, 2008-07-18 evenig we met at the "Wiesen" inn in the Stubach valley. The weather was not good with some rain, but should be better on Saturday.
Saturday, July 19th:
A nearly cloudless sky welcomed us in the morning. So we drove to the "Enzinger Boden" and walked via the cablecar middlestation and the "Grünsee" and the "Schwarzlacke", two small mountain lakes to the "Wiegenwald".
The "Wiegenwald", abouit 1700 meters a.s.l. is an alpine moor area with small lakes and bogs. On drier parts Pinus cemdra are growing.
Slopes north west of the Grünsee
Mountains west of the "Grünsee"
Russula emetica

Zootoca vivipara - juvenil

Orchis militaris
Short before the "Wiegenwald" we had a rest

Cornelia and Peter

Hannes and Peter Keymar
Bog areas in high altitudes are very sensitive ecosystems. So the tracks to the "Wiegenwald" are not flaged anymore, to keep the number of visitors low.


Wiegenwald - Hirschlacke

Leucorrhinia dubia

common sundew, Drosera rotundifolia


For sure - we had observed amphibians and reptiles too: Mesotriton alpestris larvae, babies of Bufo bufo and Rana temporaria, Salamandra atra, Zootoca vivipara and Vipera berus.

Salamandra atra

Salamandra atra

Vipera berus

Vipera berus