Report on my trips to the Croatian island Krk, from May 11th till May 17th, and from Juily 3rd till July 12th 2008 |
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Basilika Mirine - Fulfinum |
Testudo hermanni boettgeri (hercegovinensis) |
Ponikve |
Ponikve |
Ponikve. Watch the high water level of the lake and the flooded meadows below the dam (both images above). Compare with the pics from July, more down. |
Pseudopus apodus |
Podarcis siculus |
Pelophylax ridibundus |
watching frogs: Josef, Alain Aegerter, Simone |
Pelophylax ridibundus |
Sveti Krescan |
Elaphe quatuorlineata mating - watch also the video WMV (10 MB) |
Hierophis gemonensis |
western high plateau |
western high plateau |
Vrbnik, port |
shore "below" Vribnik |
Algyroides nigropunctatus |
![]() Anguis fragilis, Baby |
Emys watching. |
9 Emys orbicularis hellenica and 2 Trachemys scripta elegans |
Suha Ricina creek above waterfall |
just above the waterfall |
creek below the waterfall |
Suha Ricina view to the south |
Lacerta trilineata |
![]() Ophrys apifera |
![]() On Cres ferry boat (standing, from left): Simone, Josef, Anita, Alain Aegerter |
Hyla arborea in Valun, Cres |
last view to Cres |
Bufo ((Pseud)Epidalea) viridis |
Podarcis siculus |
Podarcis siculus |
Lacerta trilineata |
Natrix natrix |
Alain Aegerter und Anita |
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Algyroides nigropunctatus - July 4th, Prniba |
Algyroides nigropunctatus - July 4th, Prniba |
Prniba peninsula: Habitat of Lacerta trilineata and Podarcis melisellensis (coastal rocks) and Algyroides nigropunctatus (pine forest) |
Phalacrocorax aristotelis. Prniba, July 4th |
Lacerta trilineata. Prniba, July 4th |
Lacerta trilineata, subadult. north of Punat. July 5th |
Lacerta trilineata, subadult. north of Punat. July 5th |
Habitat north of Punat: Lacerta trilineata, Podarcis siculus, P. melisellensis, Hierophis gemonensis, H. viridiflavus carbonarius, Vipera ammodytes, Elaphe quatuorlineata, Zamenis longissimus |
Elaphe quatuorlineata with full stomach |
Arum italicum. fruits |
Podarcis siculus - Ponikve, July 6th |
Podarcis siculus - Ponikve, July 6th |
Podarcis siculus - Ponikve, July 6th |
Ponikve. southern end |
Podarcis melisellensis - Sveti Jurej bay, July 7th |
Sveti Jurej bay |
Lacerta trilineata. Prniba, July 8th |
Prniba. habitat of: Lacerta trilineata, Hierophis gemonensis, Vipera ammodytes |
Algyroides nigropunctatus. Prniba, July 8th |
Podarcis siculus. Ponikve, July 9th |
Podarcis siculus. Ponikve, July 9th |
Ponikve. Pastures outside the dam. In May these have been flooded about 1 meter. |
Pelophylax ridibundus. newly metamorphosed |
Iphiclides podalirius |
Podarcis melisellensis. Sveti Jurej, July 10th |
Lacerta trilineata. Sveti Jurej, July 10th |
Zikade |
Pelophylax ridibundus (balcanicus) Anguis fragilis |