Your site on European and Mediterranean Amphibians and Reptiles


Report on my short trips to Croatia in spring 2007
Istria: April, 6th till April, 9th, 2007
island Krk: May, 15th till May, 20th, 2007


Before I will start with my reports, here a short climpse on the patchwork distribution on reptiles in the Quarner region

Especially the islands show a herp distribution, which is not explainable in contrast to the distribution on the mainland around the islands.

Some examples:
The Montpellier snake, Malpolon insignitus fuscus lives on the whole mainland around, including the islands Cres and Losinj, but is absent from Krk and Rab.
The Western Whip Snake, Hierophis (viridiflavus) carbonarius has - within the area, written about here - nearly the same distribution as Malpolon, lives at Krk and Rab, but is missing on Cres and Losinj.
In Istria and on the islands Cres and Losinj the Western Green Lizard, Lacerta bilineata is living, but absent from Krk and Rab.
The Giant Green Lizard, Lacerta trilineata is distributed on the last two islands, named before, but absent from Cres and Losinj and not found in Istra.
The Tessellated snake (Dicesnake), Natrix tessellata is found on the whole mainland around, but not on the islands.There are some spottings from Cres and Krk (from the last one even a photo), but all these could be escaped or released individuals.
The same for Malpolon. Also this snake has been spotted at Krk. I have taken a picture from a road killed in spring 1998. But also these may be introduced specimens.
Vipera ammodytes, the long nosed viper, is distributed in the whole region with the exceptions Cres and Losinj.
The Wall Lizard, Podarcis muralis is found in the whole region also, but not on the islands, Krk, Rab and Pag.
These are only a few examples on patchwork distribution in the region. Maybe, some species have colonized the whole region, but there have been in intraspecific concurrence and one species disappeared (for example: Malpolon - Hierophis viridiflavus. It is said, these two species don´t live together in the same "place").

Here an overview map of the region.
Istria: green
Cres/Losinj: orange
Krk: purple

Istria: Friday, April 6th till Eastermonday, April 9th, 2007
Satellite picture with some of the localities visited
Friday, April 6th, 2007:

At 2 a.m. we (Hannes Hill, Ivonne and I) started in Salzburg. Via Villach (Austria), Udine, Trieste (Italy) we drove to Rovinj at the west coast of Istria (Croatia). There we arrived around 8 in the morning.
At the restaurant at the Limski channel we met Richard Kopeczky, Gerald Ochsenhofer and Christoph Riegler (members of www.herpetofauna at). They drove down from Vienna the day before.
During the breakfast they told us on their herpetological observations on thursday: Podarcis siculus und melisellensis, Lacerta bilineata, Pseudopus apodus, Hierophis (viridiflavus) carbonarius and Vipera ammodytes.

So the weather was very fine , we had the hope to see many amphibians and reptiles during the next days.

Our first stop was at the ruined town Dvigrad, left in the 14th century after most people have died from Black Death.
At the parking area a freshly road killed western green lizard, Lacerta bilineata.
In the ruins we found the black whip snake Hierophis (viridiflavus) carbonarius, Algyroides nigropunctatus, Podarcis melisellensis and the Italian wall lizard P. siculus as well as Lacerta bilineata.

Algyroides nigropunctatus
During the late morning we searched on the hills in the surroundings of Dvigrad.
There we observed Podarcis siculus and melisellensis, Lacerta bilineata, Hierophis (viridiflavus) carbonarius, the slow worm Anguis fragilis an a subadult long nose viper Vipera ammodytes.
Lacerta bilineata Weibchen - female
Hierophis (viridiflavus) carbonarius
juvenil Anguis fragilis
Vipera ammodytes ammodytes, young male
In a ditch the Balkan waterfrog Pelophylax balcanicus, tadpoles of the agile frog Rana dalmatina, as well as one! yellow bellied toad Bombina v. variegata were living.
Bombina v. variegata in Habitat
On the way back to Rovinj we stopped at a lonely small church. In and on the stonewalls around we found Podarcis melisellensis, Algyroides nigropunctatus, Podarcis muralis muralis and Hierophis (viridiflavus) carbonarius.
little church
stone wall close to the church
Podarcis muralis muralis
Saturday, April 7th, 2007:
At this day we went down along the west coast south of Rovinj.
Close to the Sv. Pavao bay there is a small wetland. Here I saw Podarcis melisellensis, the european glass lizard Pseudopus apodus and a swimming Dice snake Natrix tessellata.
swampy area near Sv. Pavao
Podarcis melisellensis
Pseudopus apodus
Direct at the surgerocks Vipera a. ammodytes, the Balkan whip snake Hierophis gemonensis and Podarcis melisellensis are living.
coast at Sv. Pavao
Around noon we drove to Pula. On the way we stopped at an extensiv used cultivated area. Here we saw the european tree frog Hyla arborea, Lacerta bilineata and a baby Vipera ammodytes.
In Pula we met Franz Rathbauer.
In the amphitheatre and also on the old townwall Podarcis muralis maculiventris is living.
Pula Amphitheater
Podarcis muralis maculiventris-shedding
Podarcis muralis maculiventris
On the way back to Rovinj we searched in a less used cultured area. Together with Lacerta bilineata, Anguis fragilis, Hierophis gemonensis, Algyroides nigropunctatus we found a baby Aesculapian snake Zamenis longissimus.
Anguis fragilis
Hierophis gemonensis
Hierophis gemonensis Baby
Zamenis longissimus Baby
Sunday, April 8th, 2007:
Sunday was the day we drove to the east coast of Istria.
Via Zminj and Barban we went to Labin. Before reaching Barban we stopped at an illegal trash deposit, a very good place to find amphibians and reptiles in normal circumstances.
Between Paleurus spina-christi and Juniperus oxycedrus bushes were lots of shelfs, metalsheets and cemento asbestos sheets. But only 3 slow worms and 1 Podarcis melisellensis, although 7 people have been searching for nearly one hour.
At Most Rasa we crossed the Rasa river. In and around the river and also along the channels only a few Pelophylax balcanicus.
rasa fluss
Rasa - river
From Labin we drove to the coast at Ravni.In a not used garden anymore, we observed Lacerta bilineata and Algyroides nigropunctatus.
Algyroides nigropunctatus is watching me
From the coast we went to the hills westwards. At the village Skavranska there is a small pond close to the road. There common newts, Lissotriton vulgaris meridionalis have been marrying at the time.
pond at Skavranska
Lissotriton vulgaris meridionalis female
More west we stopped again in the carstic hills.
Podarcis melisellensis, Lacerta bilineata and Vipera ammodytes have been found.
habitat of Lacerta bilineata and Vipera ammodytes
Next place the Ubac peninsula has been.
Direct on the coastal rocks Podarcis melisellensis, Hierophis (viridiflavus) carbonarius and Vipera ammodytes are living.
Ubac peninsula (in the center of ther picture - in the far back the southern tip of Istria)
Podarcis melisellensis
Podarcis melisellensis
coast at Ubac peninsula
wooden snake (part of a root)
Vipera ammodytes male
While driving back to our appartement in Rovinj we stopped at another trash deposit, this time very successful: Hierophis gemonensis, Lacerta bilineata, Pseudopus apodus. A pair of Vipera ammodytes has been found below one shelf.
pair of Vipera ammodytes
Monday, April 9th, 2007:
Day of driving home.
From Rovinj along Zminj and Potpican to the Cepicko polje. A former swampy area, today completely dry. Only the small river Boljunscica and a few channels are running trough this extrem high and intensive used farm land.
Therefore just a few specimens. 3 or 4 Pelophylax balcanicus and one Lissotriton v. meridionalis. On a bridge over the Boljunscica river some Podarcis muralis muralis could have been seen.
At the eastern edge, in a ditch, my collegues observed the western grass snake, Natrix natrix helvetica.
Hannes and I were searching on the slopes nearby and observed Podarcis melisellensis, Lacerta bilineata, Hierophis (viridiflavus) carbonarius, Hierophis gemonensis and Vipera ammodytes.
Podarcis muralis muralis - gravid female
Hierophis gemonensis
Lacerta bilineata male
Although we have been in Istria just for 4 days, and none of us have known the area very well, we could have been very satisfied with all the herps found.
I´ve been in Istria at the beginning of the eighties and in the early nineties again. I was very surprised of all the changes happened (larger villages, campingareas, loss of ditches and ponds, cultivated areas). Especially the Cepicko polje I could not recongnize anymore.
Krk island: Tuesday, May 15th till sunday, May 20th, 2007
This short trip was decided to have a look, beside watching the herpetofauna, to the landscape, villages and towns. It should be a short vacation too.
Some of our team never have been on the island, others knew only some parts of it.
So we spent about two hours in the morning and afternoon for searching herps. The rest of the time we visited cultural spots or have been "hanging around".
Tuesday, May 15th, 2007:

Leaving Salzburg, together with Günter Prem from the reptile zoo in Salzburg at 7:00 a.m.
Arrival at Krk about 3:00 p.m.
From Triest we had rain, in the Kvarner bay there was a really thunderstorm. After rain stopped at about 4:30 p.m. and the sun was shining, we visited a pond near the town Krk. But instead of the European Pond Turtle, Emys orbicularis hellenica, we expected, we saw two large (25 to 30 cms) female Red Eared Sliders, Trachemys scripta elegans. At a stonewall nearby some Podarcis siculus campestris and Algyroides nigropunctatus.

At 6:30 p.m. my friends from Switzerland, Anita and Alain Aegerter arrived.


Wednesday, May 16th, 2007:

The first excursion this morning brought us to the middleage church Sv. Kresan in the western part of the island. There we saw Podarcis siculus, Algyroides nigropunctatus, Hierophis gemonensis and Vipera ammodytes. In two ditches nearby Pelophylax balcanicus, the Balkan waterfrog and the Grass snake Natrix natrix.

During late morning we drove to the central part of the island. In the sunny oak forest we found European Glass Lizards, Pseudopus apodus, the Black Whip Snake, Hierophis carbonarius, Balkan Whip Snake, Hierophis gemonensis, tortoises Eurotestudo hercegovinensis, the Longnosed Viper Vipera ammodytes and Slow Worms, Anguis fragilis.
Around high noon I watched and pictured Podarcis siculus while mating.


Platanthera chlorantha
Sveti Kresan
Ophrys apifera
Italian Wall Lizard: Podarcis siculus campestris - mating
Dalmatinian tortoise: Testudo h. boettgeri
During afternoon the others, Alfred Wallner from Carinthia, and the rest of the "Salzburg tortoise/turtle group", Walter Erlachner, Sabine and Robert Niederhuber arrived
Thursday, May 17th, 2007:


In the morning we drove the roads Krk - Punat - Vrbnik - Ponikve - Cizici.

In a pond north of Punat we saw beside one European Pond Turtle two Red Eared Sliders. This species seems to become more frequent from year to year (released by Croatian people, but also by tourists). There´s much fear, Trachemys will aid to the decline of the native turtle. Not so much by food resources, but the much larger sliders bar the Emys to rest on sunplaces. But this places are very important for thermoregulation and to completely dry up there shells (reductance of algae, ectoparasites etc.).

Along an aisle nearby we observed the four lined rat snake, Elaphe quatuorlineata, the Giant Green Lizard, Lacerta trilineata, Hierophis gemonensis and Vipera ammodytes. This is one of the few places on the island, both Podarcis species, P. siculus campestris and P. melisellensis live syntop together.

At the Ponikve lake, beside many Grass Snakes, Natrix natrix, we saw thousends of fresh metamorphosed Common toads, Bufo bufo spinosus. It was hard to do a step without scrunching some.
At bushes hundreds to thousends of butterflies have been mating. Very many have been laying dead on the ground already.

In the afternoon we visited the ruin church Sv. Marak on a small peninsula at the east coast of the island. Under stones Anguis fragilis and Lacerta trilineata


four lined snake, adult female Elaphe quatuorlineata
This butterfly, Abraxas sylvata with observed in thousends
Sveti Marak
Friday, May 18th, 2007:

Early in the morning we visited a small pond at the Prniba peninsula between the town Krk and Punat. On top of a rusty barrel two European Pond Turtles were basking.
So the Bora, a strong cold wind, coming down from the mountains, was blowing much stronger than the days before, we decided to visit the Suha Ricina valley.
From the bent on the road Punat - Baska we drove down a gravel road, not made for cars really. From the end of this road we walked to the "waterfalls". Unfortunately the wind was blowing in the valley too. So we just found an adult and one baby four lined snakes, one Balkan Whip Snake and a few Lacerta trilineata.

So, beside the herpetofauna I´m interested in the Flora too, I spent a lot of time making pictures of blooming orchids.


Ophrys apifera
Ophrys holoserica
Ophrys holoserica
Anacamptis pyramidalis
Suha Ricina
Ophrys apifera
Suha Ricina: waterfall - Alain Aegerter
In the afternoon we visited the Ponikve lake and its surroundings again. Additional to the species, we found the days before, one baby Elaphe quatuorlineata.
Four lined snake, Baby
Elaphe quatuorlineata
Sveti Lucija in Jurandvor
Saturday, May 19th, 2007:
The morning tour brought us to the extreme north of the island. There we searched within the Macchia north and east of the airport.
It has been windy again. Therefore only Podarcis melisellensis and Lacerta trilineata outside. Under rocks and trash Hierophis carbonarius and H. gemonensis, one each and some Vipera ammodytes.
scarab at work
long nosed viper female
Vipera ammodytes ammodytes
Our team, from left side:
Alfred Wallner, Anita Thomi, Alain Aegerter, Robert Niederhuber, Sabine Niederhuber, Mario Schweiger, Walter Erlachner and Günter Prem

In the afternoon the opposite direction to the far south to the church ruin Sv. Jeromin and the gorge Zala Draga. Also here only a few herps: Lacerta trilineata and one Hierophis gemonensis.
In a ditch hundreds of Pseudepideladea viridis (Green Toad) tadpoles, getting their hindlegs at the time.

Zala Draga: Anita and Alain Aegerter
Zala Draga: Sabine and Robert Niederhuber
Zala Draga: Campaluna sp.
Sveti Jeromin
Zala Draga, view from - Sv. Jeromin
Ditch, we found Green toad tadpoles
Sunday, May 20th, 2007:


In the morning, the "Salzburg-people" and Alfred Wallner left, after fishing some Gambusia affinis from a pond near Punat.
Günter Prem, Anita and Alain Aegerter and I walked through the sunny forests between Punat and Vrbnik: Lacerta trilineata, both Podarcis species, Hierophis gemonensis, Elaphe quatuorlineata and Vipera ammodytes.
From the late morning to the early afternoon we visited the nice town Vrbnik and finished the day and the stay on the island in our appartment with juicy steaks.

Orobanche sp.
Coast "below" Vrbnik
Alain Aegerter
Coast "below" Vrbnik

Krk: Sveti Kvirin, cathedral
Krk: Sveti Kvirin, cathedral
Krk - Kamplin
Krk - Kamplin
At monday morning we left too. Taking the decision to come back soon (I from June, 26th to July 7th, this year)